Learning Session/Pre Conference
Challenging times demand that leaders and emerging leaders tap internal talent and resources, galvanize motivation, and get people on the same page so that they can move forward strategically to meet changing needs and to achieve successful workplace outcomes.
Maximize your capacity and value to your organization by strengthening your ability to lead and influence planning, identify and close gaps between diverse viewpoints, sett strategic goals, draw out fresh solutions, facilitate visioning and team-engaging sessions within your facility.
Engagement Tool Box
Hands-on opportunity to employ 4 Step Strategic Momentum Model:
A guide to preparing, planning and conducting outcome-focused sessions
- Discovery: What do I need to think about to design the best gathering?
- Direction: How to emphasize and express a clear direction
- Design: Shape a session that is fun, collaborative and productive
- Dynamics: What can I do and be to keep energy high and things in motion?
Leadership Context (optional)
- Four Change Profiles
- Five Affect Factors in Change
- Application of Engagement
- Balancing “Leader” and “Facilitator” Roles
Engagement Tool Box: Learn and apply
- Step-back: See things from a “helicopter perspective.” See the forest, not just the trees.
- Check-ins: Make sure people are on the same page by clarifying and connecting.
- Common View: Manage discussions to come at issues from a common perspective to increase both effectiveness and time management.
- Alignment: Apply 6 Steps to build collaboration/cooperation through preventions/interventions
- Inquiry: Frame questions around solutions, not blame. Ask questions that prompt opening up vs. shutting down and defending.
- Advocacy: Leverage influence to be “for” something without “en-force-ing” it. State your views directly while demonstrating openness to other ideas.
- Appreciative Inquiry: Learn from and build on successes and strengths while tapping into energy, motivation, and creativity.
- Brainstorming: Apply 7 idea-generating strategies.
- Consensus: Getting to an outcome everyone can work
- 5 Orchestrating Principles of Facilitation
Activity Resource
Enhance engagement by tapping a sampling of interactive exercises that will engage your “audience”/group/team.
Learning Outcome
Build facilitation and leadership skills to move people to action, on-purpose
and on-target.