The personal leadership programs below were created for Emerging Leaders, Entrepreneurs and Aspiring Professionals to fill the competency gaps between industry know-how and relationship-building know-how.
Our programs help you get clear about who you are as a leader, what you stand for and how to articulate this to people you lead, to trustees, boards, co-workers, customers and community. They provide you with personal leadership tools, tips, and templates to lead you and yourself through change, build trust and connection in relationships, get people on the same page to achieve outcomes and become a confident and compelling presenter who is able to rally the minds and hearts of people by presenting ideas and concepts in ways that paint memorable pictures in the minds of your listeners.
Check them out to see which program is the best place to start for you or your organization.
CIQ Signature 5 Star Personal Leadership Program
Liberate the Leader in You
This dynamic leader-shaping program helps you articulate your personal leadership, feel like a leader inside and gain confidence by letting your style emerge and developing your standards. Our program also helps you become a compelling speaker and cultivate inner qualities that earn respect and credibility.
“I wanted to thank you for this class and for your insight throughout. The past six months have been a period of great growth for me as a leader and a person, and I have you to thank. It means more to me than you know.”
–Emerging Leader, Lead From Where You Are series participant
CIQ Signature Program
Speak to Your Market and Profit
Establish Your Expertise, Build Confidence
and Magnetize Customers by Presenting Your Value
Learn more about Workshops and Private Virtual Coaching
Current research shows that people with high levels of emotional intelligence (EQ) are more successful personally and professionally. Why not be one of those people? High EQ is correlated with building trusting relationships, engaging discretionary effort and energy, strengthening self-regulation and demonstrating social skills, key qualities for leaders and staff.
Contact us about this program.
Facilitation Skills to Build Consensus and Accomplish Outcomes
Challenging times demand tapping internal talent and resources, galvanizing motivation, and getting people on the same page so that they can move forward strategically to meet changing needs and to achieve successful workplace outcomes.
Maximize your capacity and value to your organization by learning facilitation tools, dialogue and inquiry skills, consensus model, and decision-making and prevention and intervention tools that will strengthen your ability to lead or influence planning, goal-setting, brainstorming, visioning and team-engaging sessions within your facility.
Contact us about this program.
Customize YOUR learning program or if you’re not sure, we will help you choose one or multiple modules from the four modules below to create…
1. Workshop (each module can be half-day, full day or combine for series.)
2. Webinar program or series.
3. Conference, Pre-Conference, Break-Out.
These PROGRAM MODULES build on each other. They are also available as individual programs or can be combined to meet your goals. Click on the modules to check out content.
Module 1: Reset Your Personal Leader Compass through 5 Step CREAM Goal-Setting Plan
Module 2: Flex Your Communication Style to Get Things Done Better Through People
Module 3: Send Clear Verbal /Non-Verbal Messages that Connect and Align to Increase Receptivity
Module 4: Advocate You and Your Organization’s Value
Contact us about this program
Every time we ask any employees to change a form, learn a new computer system or change a behavior, we often meet resistance. We may experience symptoms of change: low productivity, low morale, challenging attitudes and absenteeism. Leverage the dynamics of change and transform it to advantage through proactive strategies aimed at involvement and productivity.
- Move through 4 resistances to change
- Apply Ride the Waves of Change Model to know what stages look like and what to do about them
- Strategize how to manage the 5 work-life aspects that change during change
Gain tools to implement change and marketing tips.
Learning session(s) can be designed for leaders and/or staff to meet your needs.
One organization contacted me because they were facing their fifth leader in seven years. The previous leadership was described as being autocratic and “unfair” by both leaders and employees and due to this approach created a toxic, negative atmosphere and compromised the morale of the organization. The new leadership’s style was participatory and inclusive which wasn’t fully accepted by staff, because burned from the previous leadership, they didn’t trust that the new leader would do as he said he would.
To meet this situation, I obtained quite a bit of background information and we decided to deliver two programs, one for leaders and one for employees. During part of the day spent with the leaders, I provided change templates to identify their team’s level of acceptance of the change and challenges as they perceived them. We then focused on facilitating solutions in a lively exchange aimed at putting strategy in place. The second part of the leader training focused on what was being presented to their employees and how these leaders could take what their employees learned and continue the conversation with them.
The team session was designed to help employees understand the nature of making transitions and what it required of them. I then create an interactive team exercise aimed at gathering their input about what they needed without the leaders being present to encourage real dialogue.
Together we achieved positive results. The new leader then took the results and my debriefing consult from both sessions and conducted small group conversations. He was able to build trust, create solution with employee and leader input and redirect what was looking to be an increasing toxic situation into positive team environment.
Contact us about this program
Create Conversations that Connect
Be compelling and confident in sharing your message in ways that spark attention, clarify understanding and encourage retention.
- Examine 5 steps to building a Conversation of Connection and its four elements.
- Organize your presentation in logical order that helps your “audience” easily follow your thoughts
Learn how to create interest and impact through the structure and delivery of analogy, story and talking points.
Contact us about this program