Lauren Burnett
For 30 years I’ve wondered how I could create a life with greater significance, achievement and flow. I’ve found that it is not what we find “out there”, but what we tap within that makes us great.
Lauren’s penetrating insight into human potential development has been gained from more than 25 years of extensive experience in helping leaders, organizations, teams and individuals achieve professional and personal success and fulfillment. She is principal of the Center for Inner Quality, a Cleveland-based training, coaching and consulting organization with national presence.
Her learning and coaching sessions unleash the power of choice for extraordinary results and embrace break-through thinking and action to create cultures and conversations of influence.
She is a certified business coach through the World Wide Association of Coaches, a facilitator of Emotional Intelligence Professional Education and Behavioral Change Model created by Q-Metrics and Dr. Robert Cooper, the author Executive EQ, and a certified Pre-Cognitive Re-Educator. She has also served as an adjunct faculty member at Ohio State, Tri-C, Kent State and Cleveland State University.
Lauren has appeared on TV and radio speaking on human potential development and has written numerous articles in newspapers and trade publications.
Lauren Burnett works with professionals who strive to enhance their credibility, connection and communication and with organizations that are looking to create cultures where people want to work and people want to stay.