
“Absolutely one of the best programs I’ve attended-work related or personal. You are dynamic, personable and very knowledgeable-You inspire and provide people the opportunity to really change their lives.”

– J. Schraider

Cleveland Clinic Foundation



“Lauren is very skilled in coaching participants. It was my sense that everyone who stood before the group felt empowered by her critiques. Throughout her demonstration of proper techniques and her discussion of how best to present oneself in a variety of settings, she practiced before us everything she instructed us to do. She has incorporated these excellent techniques into her personal behavior and teaches not only by word but by constant example.”

– C. J. Leslie

Director Massillon Public Library



“Give it a “10”. Wonderful presentation. Lauren is warm, real and an excellent communicator.”

– T. Shields

Healthcare Administrator



“Thank you for your FABULOUS presentation at the Mid-South Medical Group Management Association Annual Spring Conference. Our members got an excellent return on their investment of time and funds.”

– S. Wigley

Mid-South Medical Group Management Association



“Evaluations showed your two breakout sessions were #1 and #2 listed as top five favorite programs. Librarians in Oklahoma love you!”

– L. Gens

Oklahoma Library Association Conference



“Excellent growth potential for leaders who need to lead and followers who need to lead too!”

– A. Lawson

Governor’s Workforce Development Conference



“First time in a class I wasn’t watching my watch for a break.”

– B.M. Mc Emurry

Federal Employed Women’s Conference



“I appreciated how you listened to what we wanted our staff to learn; your practical tips were useful to us. Great comments from your staff day presentation:

– Dynamic presenter.

– One of the best programs for staff day.

– Enjoyed the activities.

– She was animated which got my attention and kept it.”

– V. Chiavetta

Garland Texas



“The audience really responded to your presentation. I could tell by the look on the attendee’s faces that you struck a chord with them. Participants stayed to discuss concepts and ideas. This was the right talk, at the right time and at the right place to open our Region’s eyes.”

– C. Albidress, III

Director, Department of Defense, TRICARE