Keynote Speaking

boat on lakeYou are the Difference and the Difference is in You!

Celebrate the unique contributions people make in upholding the mission of your organization and serving your customers. Paint a a bigger picture of just HOW MUCH difference they make in every day tasks and exchanges. Stimulate a vision that goes beyond “it’s a job” to the possibilities and opportunities awaiting their talent and  learn how to keep the “you difference” alive! [Can be customized for your audience through interviews and stories.]





Step Up to Great Performance             business shoes

Create a great performance by applying Shoe Strategies for Success.  Guess what shoes fit with what qualities and skills needed to deliver a great performance. Imagine the message each shoe holds! What will High Waders, Designers or Sports do to step UP your success? [Optional] Engage your audience in conversations with ShoeReflections, conversation starters on each aspect of delivering a great performance brought out through the viewfinder of each shoe’s aspects.



man in suit with heart

Emotional Intelligence:  Mystery Solved in Customer Connection

Learn that it’s not how smart you are, but HOW you are smart in elevating the level of service. Balance task plus relationship and  increase the value of your customer service experience by applying six points of connections, four verbal techniques that demonstrate empathy and managing emotions.




Put on Your Oxygen Mask First: Compassion Fatigue            oxygen mask

Compassionate Care-Taking and Service-Providing create great life satisfaction and meaning for those of us who are wired to make a difference. Explore how the very qualities that make us great as service professionals also can leave us vulnerable to feelings of overwhelm and overload which can lead to thinking we can’t do what we need to do and we’re not meant to do it.

Gain nuggets on how to manage Compassion Fatigue and Emotional Labor, their accompanying stress levels, the feeling of balance in work and life and your capacity to serve.  Recharge your spirit and avoid the inherent challenges of dealing with people.




Ride the Waves of Change and Thrive!

Find out you’re not crazy-in-the-chaos by find your moorings in the Waves of Change Model. Thrive by addressing the five categories of things that change during change –see the challenges, seek the solutions.






Recharge Your Spirit               TEAM JUMPING FOR JOY

Resiliency is about being able to bounce back to original form and grow from challenge and adversity.

Inspiring stories and humorous anecdotes are woven with strategies to soothe the mind-body. Mindfulness techniques make the most of everyday transitions and ease drain of urgency of ‘not enough time’. Practices to create meaning and embrace life’s mysteries that, if open to them, fill the soul with wonder.