
Business and Life Coach

New research in the Public Personnel Management Journal suggests that training enhanced by coaching can increase productivity by as much as 60%.

Lauren as your coach:

Lauren is a certified business-success coach through the World Wide Association of Coaches. Described as perceptive, knowledgeable and inspirational, she facilitates a “36,000 foot view“ to help you see pattern, build skills and make empowering choices through traditional and holistic methodologies.

If you could develop in the following areas, how much would it be worth it to you?

  • Create cultures of influence.
  • Build team leadership capacity and learn how to gain team consensus.
  • Sharpen interpersonal skills and draw the trust of others.
  • Plan strategies for business.
  • Enhance executive leadership effectiveness and presence.
  • Reach the outcomes designated in your annual learning contract.
  • Create the future by enhancing your imagination and intuitive skills.
  • Raise your “EQ” – Emotional Intelligence Quotient.
  • Shape the leader within.
  • Break through limiting patterns to new levels of competency and performance.
  • Bring more soul to life/work.
  • Create a work/life expression aligned to your talent and passion.
  • Clarify life purpose and direction.
  • Improve your speaking effectiveness through the use of storytelling and voice quality coaching.
  • Create an authentic presence by aligning behavior to values.
  • Set goals and be held accountable to accomplish them.

Available coaching options:

  • Individual coaching sessions conducted via phone or in person.
  • Small group tele-coaching or in person sessions.
  • Team/leadership development coaching sessions.
  • Programs customized according to your needs.
  • Assessments: Interpersonal skill inventories, Conflict, Emotional Intelligence 360/team/individual, stress/resiliency among others.

Fees based on:

  • Number of sessions/month.
  • Via phone or in person.
  • Frequency of email contact.
  • Between session phone check-ins.