Managing “In the Moment”


Learning Session

Imagine this—the materials don’t arrive, clients are hot under the collar, technology fails. In other words, everything that could go wrong does go wrong. What do you do? How do you manage?

Situations arise that have the potential for crisis. Competence and confidence to “manage in the moment” comes from preparation in “what ifs” to minimize escalation, self-regulation to remain centered and people management skills to calm others.

Participants are guided through pivotal inquiry protocols to establish potential situations, identify Plan A and Plan B, tap their expertise, experience and brainstorm fresh approaches. Individuals will be involved in role-play and work through a planning chart to establish locus of control and techniques to effectively handle stressful situations.

  • Gather a sense of self-awareness through the activities presented.
  • Learn “self-command” processes (six seconds to sanity concept) that allows managing emotions, increasing focus and calm.
  • Learn and apply verbal and non verbal communication techniques to be able to demonstrate a leader-presence in handling potential crisis situations.

Learning Outcome

To manage situations “in the moment” by strengthening self-management, communication and verbal and non verbal skills and to create a leader-presence which sends an in-charge message.