Recorded Webinars




Get clear on work-life direction. Exceed expecations by setting High-Dive goals. Gain feeling of balance and fulfillment by re-igniting passion and purpose and assessing job satisfaction.

Apply CREAM, a Dynamic 5 Step Life-Work Goal-Setting Model and 10 strategies and activities to reset your work-life compass. Take away 3 vision techniques: “Shared Vision” (use with team), Flash-Forward and persoal vision.




Access Your Communication Style to Positively Enhance Work and Personal Relationships

Get things done withless stress and more productivity. Increase your adaptability  in your interpersonal work and life relationships. Stregthen your understanding of self and others and learn how others approach task, people, change and conflict. Choose and apply specific behaviors/approaches to adapt to others’ styles so greater cooperation and collaboration is gained and your message is heard.


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Build Rapport, Encourage and Create Receptivity to Your Message

What messsage are you sending? Do people take your message differently than you intended? What results might you expect if you approached others in coaching manner versus a “telling” manner? Create connection and build trust by choosing language that builds a bridge versus a barrier and not only informs but encourages and empowers.

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Articulate Your Value and Answer “So what do you do?”

Share you and your organization’s unique value in networking, customer, community and business settings.  Create your own signature value messages that illustrate how you help others. Effectively answer “What do you do?” in a 60-second personal value communication. Be memorable by appealing to the mind and hearts of your listeners with language that paints pictures.

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Stop Walking on Eggshells and avoid taking things personally.

Be direct with how you feel, what you want and need. Use ‘I’ messages and speak from a deeper level of personal ownership. Increase your confidence and comfort level and learn and apply the the Rules of Focus, Responsibility-Outcome formula to effectively approach interpersonal challenges with an accountable perspective.
Set boundaries and practice assertive techniques to say what you mean and mean what you say.

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Explore difference between feedback and criticism. Learn and apply “how tos” on giving and receiving constructive feedback
Use three feedback formulas: to encourage positive behavior, to improve behavior and to proactively ask others for feedback on what you can do differently. Acknowledge others with ASAP model for giving praise.

                                                            THE POWER OF SEEING BOTH SIDES AND NOT JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS

Use the Ladder of Reasoning technique to check assumptions before actions and reactions are taken. Use listening skills to get the full story and identify the problem. Advocate your view and learn questions to understand “the other side”.  Leverage tips on embracing a collaborative approach and focusing on issues not people.

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                                                               TURN NEGATIVITY INTO POSITIVE ENERGY POWER

Challenging situations insert themselves into our daily service
life. Our response sets a “tone of exchange” and is an opportunity to positively impact the image and reputation of your organization. Identify common negative behavior types and situations and antidotes. Command your emotions with “6 Seconds to Sanity” Strategies. Learn verbal strategies to build rapport and bring about solution.

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Excellent webinar series, this will help me in my professional and personal life. Thank you so much!
Lauren is a wonderful presenter!
Outstanding in every respect. Material was first rate and presenter was wonderful.
Very informative and helpful!
I have learned a great deal these webinars, so glad I signed up for them!
These leadership webinars have been extremely helpful. The presenter is very knowledgeable and sharp!
Articulate was very helpful in preparing for a grant I was writing!