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This is a recorded webinar. Pricing is for single-user access

For group/multiple-user access on our learning platform or to inquire about having this webinar(s) available on your learning platform or presented “live” for your customers contact us.

Webinar Description

Confidently talk up your and your organization’s value and be able to answer the networking question –“So what do you do?” effectively and memorably.

Opportunities abound more than ever to reach out to your community and your customers and talk up your value in person and on-line. This webinar will help you organize and support your ideas so other “see, hear and get” your value.

What you can expect:

Share you and your organization’s unique value in networking, customer, community and business settings.

Create your own signature value messages that illustrate how you help others.

Effectively answer “What do you do?” in a 60-second personal value communication “commercial”.

Be memorable by appealing to the mind and hearts of your listeners with language that paints vivid pictures of their enjoying the value you offer.

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