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Webinar Description

Build Rapport, Encourage and Create Receptivity to Your Message

What message are you sending? Do people take your message differently than you intended? What results might you expect if you approached others in coaching manner versus a “telling” manner?

Align is about how to align your verbal and non verbal messages with the person who receives your message because a connection and rapport needs to be created if it is important to maintain the relationship as well as communicate your message.

What you can expect:

Knowledge of 4 key Alignment Principles.

10 Tools to create empathetic and accountable non verbal and verbal communication to build rapport, empower and engage.

Move from limited impact of communicating information to language that also inspires people to achieve and to cooperate.

Become accountable to the 3 ways your message is taken in.

Practice “Delivery Alignment” in aligning body language to your content.

Practice 5 Communication tools on how to apply a coaching approach so that your listener is more open to your message and more inclined to take action because of it.

Apply ABC of Motivation to encourage others to aspire to greater heights.

Use Positive Plus statements to build connection in brief exchanges.

Create connection and build trust by choosing language that builds a bridge versus a barrier and not only informs but encourages and empowers.

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